So sorry for the short buggy game... if we can even call it a game.  I've spent the week learning Godot and while I'd learned tons, I still have so much to learn.  I got caught up fixing issues and ran out of time before the deadline.   

== How to play ==

  • Move: Arrow keys OR WSAD
  • Jump: Space

== Accomplishments / Skills Acquired this week == 

  • Using tilemaps and layers
  • using PNGs
  • Resizing various sized objects to work together
  • binding keys
  • killzones for offsceen and enemies
  • use of timers
  • parallax backgrounds
  • animation for pre-animated sprite sheets as well as static objects
  • pickups
  • adding music that continues to play thru restarts
  • restarting a level
  • camera limits and player follow
  • layer/sprite ordering for visibility
  • customizing icon
  • customizing splash screen
  • exporting for (had to troubleshoot unexpected errors)

== TODO == 

  • Player damage to enemy (currently broken)
  • finish level (ran out of time)
  • add multiple levels
  • add pickup sounds (currently broken)
  • add start screen
  • add end screen
  • so much more...

== Attributions ==





Coin Sound: 
